Friday 30 October 2015

Perfect Day for Two Ringed Lives

Oh, such a beautiful day
A day of remembrance, 14 June
A day where we were all looking forward and waiting for it.
And it finally comes, oh thank you Lord!

For giving us the opportunity of attending
This marriage ceremonie of sister Djalia
And her giant husband Ramadhan.

Oh sister Djalia, the bells ring
The fingers are ringed
Two lives are ringed
They become one.

Marriage is noble
This day is holy
This day of marriage joins two lives
They become one.

The vows are taken
One at a time
The two become one
One with another in spirit,
Soul and body.

This marriage is divine
Ordained by God
This marriage is a vine
Adorned in gold.

Much appreciation to our parents
Who contributed a lot in order to reach this day
Oh it is really awesome.

Sister Djalia and Rama, so you are now happy
As you always worked hard for the best. 

Juggling between two lovers

There is one thing Gloria learnt about dating more than one guy. 
When she joined campus, she fell in love with a guy who was doing his final year at campus.  He was handsome but a bit taller than her. 

However, she still liked him.  He treated her like a princess and gave her everything that she needed, although he was not working. 
After school, he got a job in one of the banks.  That meant more care because he would buy her each and every nice thing he would come across. 

She never ran out of money and their relationship was moving on smoothly.  She never found any fault with him.  
Although he was not as intimate as he was supposed to be, Gloria did not notice and would never complain.

However, in her third year, Gloria started dating another guy.  Unlike her working boyfriend, that one was very poor and jobless because they were in the same class.

Gloria started going back home with him and they would have meals together.  He even started going to her hostel and at times would sleep over.  With time, Gloria began to notice things about her boyfriend that she used not to, like his being distant.  She also started complaining that he was frequenting her place so much, a thing that would make her friend very uncomfortable.  At times he would come to visit Gloria and she would not give him anything to eat because all that was left was for Gloria’s school boyfriend. 

One day, her banker boyfriend went to visit her and the school boyfriend was in her room.  However, she was lucky that her other friends were also in the room so it was hard for the banker to know that he was her boyfriend. 

Despite all of this, Gloria never thought of walking out of the relationship because she knew that if she walked away, she would remain poor since her boyfriend did not have money.  She would get money from the other one and give it to her school boyfriend.

She though that since her rich boyfriend could not take care of her emotional needs, then she would get someone else to do it for her. 

However, Gloria realised that she was only cheating and hurting herself because she was never comfortable whenever she was with either him or her school boyfriend, thinking that one of them might find out.

Gloria finally made up her mind and decided to drop one of them.  It was the school boyfriend she dropped.  However, all that taught her that she would never date two guys at once because she cannot love them equally.  She only has one heart, that will belong to only one person, not two or more. 

The Great Escapes

We’re frightened people,
People without core or guts;
We move and act by group control;
We fear everything
With funny consequences.

Our brand of religion is a chain of scapegoats,
Through it we fear to declare,
Or discuss the movements of our humanity;
Inside us our passions work,
Our emotions have ecstasies,
And our sentiments see truth.
All visions for our common survival.
But few of us will lift voice or finger
To acknowledge the best flower,
That fruit of our living flames of life,
Hiding in the twilight inches from escapism:
            We never grow up to required maturity,
            For our eyes of depth and width,
            Though active and sharp, never see,
Or face the light: the epiphany of life and –
Meaning embodied:
            We so hide from ourselves,
            Remaining unmapped oases to ourselves
And when we die,
The utility of our bodyself
Faces the lie, the fear of our unexplored self
Once so rich in gifts of joy and discovery:
Yet all left with all energy and riches untouched.
And this is the great escape.  


Father, Mother
Provide me with pen and slate
I want to learn
Land is gone
Cattle and sheep are not there
Not there any more
What’s left?  Learning, learning

Father, if you had many cattle and sheep
I would ask for a spear and shields
But now –
I don’t want a spear
I do not want a shield
I want the shield and spear of learning

The war of shields and spears
Is now ended
What is left?
The battle of wits,
The battle of the mind
I, we all want to learn

We have to raise our voices higher and higher
Saying that education is life and the key for the future
Yet it is and let’s do more and more
Become better beings, educated and later at our end, leaving a legacy to empower others
Let’s make it real and perfect,

And learn.