Friday 30 October 2015


Father, Mother
Provide me with pen and slate
I want to learn
Land is gone
Cattle and sheep are not there
Not there any more
What’s left?  Learning, learning

Father, if you had many cattle and sheep
I would ask for a spear and shields
But now –
I don’t want a spear
I do not want a shield
I want the shield and spear of learning

The war of shields and spears
Is now ended
What is left?
The battle of wits,
The battle of the mind
I, we all want to learn

We have to raise our voices higher and higher
Saying that education is life and the key for the future
Yet it is and let’s do more and more
Become better beings, educated and later at our end, leaving a legacy to empower others
Let’s make it real and perfect,

And learn.


  1. Education is the key for future.

  2. Yep. Education is the key. I could add something else, not only all minds need education, but heart nutrition as well. Mental excursions alongside empathy. Knowledge for the betterment of humanity accompanied with respect of others.
